5827 Dean Dairy Road, Zephyrhills (813) 788-1441
Bingo Bugle - Bingo Gaming in Southern California. LOS ANGELES COUNTY Bingo Games. Bellflower: 562-866-9105: Monday: 6:30pm: Beth Shalom of. Eric Kelly-Reynolds: Big, Bad, Butch, Boy Bingo every Tuesday night! $1 a card with many ways to win, up to $100. 8-10pm Buckets $5.75 Get there by 7:30 for a good seat:).
Fishing frenzy jackpot. We are happy to announce that our BINGO Program is now reopened. Please be aware that the following modifications from our normal operations had to be made for us to reopen.
E Bingo Open Near Me Near Me
1. The use of face masks or shields is required at all times you are inside our facility.
2. Doors will be unlocked at 3:00 PM. Lucky cherry blast. to enter the hall. Paper sales begin at 3:00 and games begin at 6:00 PM.
3. The number of chairs in our hall have been reduced 50% and you MUST leave all chairs in their present preset locations. Activity in the hall will be monitored to assure this requirement is adhered to.
4. Once our allowable capacity has been reached, we will have no recourse other than closing the doors to further arriving guests.
Poker spel. 5. The use of hand sanitizing liquid both before entering and after leaving restrooms will be required.
6. Our kitchen will remain closed for the time being. However, soda, bottled water, snack cakes, chips & candy will continue to be available at the register. You are certainly permitted to bring in your own food so feel free to bring your dinner or snacks in with you.
7. Maintaining a 6-foot social distance while inside the hall will be required.
8. For the time being, our game program sheets will be 'disposable', so toss them out at the end of the night. However, to save us some printing costs, please consider taking your program sheet home with you and using it next time you're in.
We fully recognize that the above listed modifications to our BINGO Program may somewhat diminish or reduce your normal playing experience. But, please understand that all of the above measures are in force specifically so that we can legally reopen our BINGO Program for you. Additionally, and equally important to us. . . . all of the above restrictions are so we can offer each of you the safety of your health and well being that you're deserving of.
We look forward to once again providing our BINGO Program for you, and sincerely do appreciate your continued loyalty and patronage.
* * * * * * *
If you need further information, please call Lion John at (813) 783-4808
American Legion Post 323 WentzvilleUpstairs — Smoking Downstairs — Non Smoking

$3,600 PAYOUT
2 Progressives Each $400 Consolation

E Bingo Open Today Near Me
50-50 Tickets
Free attendance Prizes 4 — $15 BINGO Certificates
Top Pay Horse Derby plus other events
Different programs every Friday of the month
Food and Bar 5pm – 9pm
Friendly workers ready to help